Conserved Sequence

美 [kənˈsɜːrvd ˈsiːkwəns]英 [kənˈsɜːvd ˈsiːkwəns]
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Conserved SequenceConserved Sequence
  1. Conserved Sequence Analysis of Ethylene Receptor from O.meyeriana of Hainan Island


  2. Cloning and Sequencing of Peanut MADS-box Gene Conserved Sequence


  3. Localization and clone of four segments of highly conserved sequence of β ig-h3 gene and construction of their prokaryotic expression vector


  4. Southern blotting analysis indicated that 7 hybridization bands could be detected with a conserved sequence of boron transporter genes as a probe .


  5. First , according to the conserved sequence of DNA coding regions , support vector machine classification of the first nucleotide of a codon in coding regions is established .


  6. The mammalian Toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) are homologues of Drosophila Toll and conserved sequence during species evolution .


  7. Prophase of this work had design four antibacterial peptides AMP-A / B / C / D that based on the cecropins ' conserved sequence .


  8. Among them , central conserved sequence blocks CSB-F , CSB-D and conserved sequence blocks CSB-2 are conservative .


  9. The genetic diversity of the commercial and local resource cultivars of rice in Yunnan Province was studied using resistance gene analogue ( RGA ) based on resistance gene conserved sequence .


  10. CUE domain is a small conserved sequence containing approximately 40 amino acids , which can recognize both mono-ubiquitin and poly-ubiquitin .


  11. The experiment analyzed the homology of gene sequence of Eperythrozoon suis what were reported in GenBank , to select its conserved sequence as amplification district . The homology between C.


  12. On our conjecture , Gene 3A , a highly conserved sequence , may be the determinant of the virulence of FMDV . Changes in 3A have been associated with altered host range .


  13. The phytase gene region was cloned by PCR amplification from Flammulina velutipes genomic DNA with a pair of specific primers designed according to the conserved sequence of phytase genes in the GenBank .


  14. The degenerate primers were designed according to the conserved sequence of gene encoding region in different plant actin , RT-PCR was carried out , and the full length cDNA of birch actin gene was amplified by RACE .


  15. There exist highly conserved sequence motifs including W , X , Y , CCAAT , and TATA-like boxes in the obtained sequences , showing the same organization of the conserved regulatory elements as in other species .


  16. A gcl conserved sequence of 319 bp , which contained BTB / POZ domain coding sequence , was isolated from Quail ( Coturnix coturnix ) genome DNA using the BTB degenerated primers .


  17. According to the reportes about highly conserved sequence of apple trees , pear trees or the other woody years plants and the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana , the proper primers were designed by primer premier 5.0 and oligo 6.0 software .


  18. CREB binding protein ( CBP ) is a crucial transcriptional coactivator , which contains highly conserved sequence and can interact with about 300 kinds of transcription factors , and is considered to be the key point of the regulation of mammalian genes transcription .


  19. SnoRNA is one of the most extensively studied and most prominent members of noncoding RNAs , which can be classified into three classes based on their conserved sequence and structure motifs : box C / D snoRNA , box H / ACA snoRNA and MRP RNA .


  20. One set of specific primers were designed according to the conserved sequence of E2 gene of CSFV in GenBank and a standard RT-PCR was founded to detect the infection of CSFV . Compared with rabbit-cross test , 7 samples from pigs suspected infection with CSFV were detected with RT-PCR .


  21. CONCLUSION : CVB2 Yunnan strain shows the highest similarity to Ohio 1 strain , and they are closely related , which is characterized by two valines deletion in the major neutralizing immunogenic epitope and regular variation with a highly conserved sequence in the common antigenic determinants of CVB .


  22. Secondly , the palindromic structure is more conserved than primary sequence .


  23. Sequence analysis showed that these genes contained conserved P450 gene sequence regions and one conserved intron .


  24. The common feature of these membrane proteins is the tendency on the trimer and they share highly conserved amino acid sequence in their primary structures .


  25. Generally , the amino acid sequence should be more conserved than the nucleotide sequence .


  26. Determination of deer-derived materials with conserved mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence
